Friday, June 13, 2008

I Wonder What They Used Before.

We used pages from the Montgomery Ward Catalog or Sears Roebuck Catalog when I was a kid.

We did not like to use the colored pages as they were stiffer and less pleasant than the black and white pages. My parents kept a catalog in the outhouse for that purpose. That was when our house was 'five rooms and a path' as they said it back then.

I have read that the Chinese invented the idea around 589 AD. The first foreigners to confirm that the Chinese used it were Arabs in 851 AD.

Even after the bidet was invented sometime after 1700 AD, the paper was still more popular among the masses. That bidet was ex
pensive and besides, who wants a wet behinder after doing the business?

I wonder about a side issue of this subject. I wonder what they used before this product when it came to TPing trees.


dreamwalker said...

LOL - Can't imagine life with TP!


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