Stretching the truth is not actually lying, is it? I mean, if it is a lie, it is only a white one, right?
Maybe a half lie will work. A half lie is half true, I guess, so it isn't all as bad as a completely false lie.
"Be sure your sin will find you out," says the writer of inspiration. In other words, no matter how well we hide our error or our fault, some day the truth will be exposed.
Consider this little story:
These boys really hated their first period high school class. None of them did well under that particular teacher. They connived and came up with a plan.
They skipped that first period class and decided to say that there was a car problem if the teacher ever asked them. It was not true, of course, but who would know?
Later that day, when they got to school, they went to their second period class. It was more to their liking. However, when that class ended and they went into the hallway of the school to go to the third period class, their first period teacher saw them and cornered them. She asked them to come to her home room at the end of the school day to make up work that they missed in class that day. They reluctantly agreed.
After the final class of the day, those four boys went to the first period teacher's home room. She asked them why they were absent from her class that day. One of the boys said, "We had a flat tire."
"You need to take a short quiz, boys," the teacher told them. She assigned them seats around the classroom. She asked them to take out a sheet of paper on which to write. When they had complied, she wrote on the blackboard only one question.
"Which tire was flat?"
Be sure your sin will find you out.
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