He never learned to drive a car. I wonder why since driving a car is not such a difficult feat.
His interest in science seemed to be inaugurated by interest in a compass that his father gave him when he was about five years of age. Actually, many geniuses had this experience.
A syndrome was named after him, one which many genius children have. He did not speak much at all as a child but seemed to have some impediment in his speaking. He would practice what he wanted to say before saying it.
He fathered an illegitimate child before he finally married the child's mother. The marriage was not at all successful and became a purely legal situation with no intimacy after a few years.
Although he was a pacifist, he encouraged the building of the atom bomb. The USA army, however, considered this genius to be a security risk and did not allow him to help with the building of the bomb.
Who is this scientist who published The Theory of Special Relativity?

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